人教版七年级英语下册Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? 同步教学设计(共5课时)

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人教版七年级英语下册Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? 同步教学设计(共5课时)

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!人教版七年级英语下册第十二单元同步教学设计Unit 12 What did you do last weekend 1.本单元话题以“自己或他人周末的活动”展开,情境属于2022新课标“人与自我”主题范畴中的“生活与学习”这一主题群,涉及子主题“丰富、充实、积极向上的生活”。2.单元主题体现《中国学生发展核心素养》中的“自主发展”方面,提升学生的“健康生活”这一素养,立足于“自我管理”这一基本要点。3.能够灵活运用一般过去时态。4.通过一系列的语言活动来谈论周末的活动。5.通过听录音材料,了解如何陈述自己的周末活动。6.认识到周末活动的重要性,选择正确的、有益的、积极向上的活动度过周末。类别 课程标准要求掌握的项目话题 Weekend activities重点单词 Section A 1.camp v.扎营;搭帐篷 2.lake n.湖;湖泊 3.beach n.海滩;沙滩 4.badminton n.羽毛球运动 5.sheep n.羊;绵羊 6.as prep.作为;当作 7.natural adj.自然的 8.butterfly n.蝴蝶 9.visitor n.游客;访问者 10.tired adj.疲倦的;疲劳的 11.stay v.停留;待 12.away adv.离开;远离 13.mouse n.老鼠;耗子 14.baby adj.幼小的 n.婴儿 15.shout v.呼叫;喊叫 16.language n.语言 Section B 17.fly v.飞 18.kite n.风筝 19.high adj.& adv.高的(地) 20.ago adv.以前 21.tent n.帐篷 22.moon n.月亮 23.surprise n.惊奇;惊讶 v.使吃惊 24.snake n.蛇 25.scared adj.惊慌的;吓坏了的 26.move v.移动 27.start v.开始;着手 28.jump v.跳;跃 29.wake v.弄醒;醒 30.into prep.到……里面;进入 31.forest n.森林 32.ear n.耳朵重点短语 Section A 1.stay up late 深夜不睡;熬夜 2.run away 跑开 3.shout at… 冲……大声叫嚷 4.fly a kite 放风筝 Section B 5.high school 中学;高中 6.put up搭起;举起 7.each other互相;彼此 8.get a surprise 吃惊 9.shout to… 对……大声喊叫 10.up and down上上下下;起伏 11.wake…up 把……弄醒续表类别 课程标准要求掌握的项目重点句型 1.—How was your weekend?你周末过得怎么样? —It was great!很好! 2.—What did you do last weekend?你上个周末做什么了? —I played badminton on Saturday.我周六打了羽毛球。 3.—Who did you play with?你跟谁一起打的(羽毛球) —I played with my father.我跟我爸爸一起打的(羽毛球)。单元语法 1.一般过去时的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句。 2.能够用一般过去时来叙述周末所做的事情。知识目标 1.能掌握本单元重点单词及句型。 2.能掌握一般过去时的用法。能力目标 能运用一般过去时谈论周末活动。情感目标 合理安排周末,度过一个有意义的周末。【课时建议】本单元建议5课时Section A (1a-1c)(一课时)Section A (2a-2d)(一课时)Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)(一课时)Section B (1a-1e)(一课时)Section B (2a-Self Check)(一课时)词汇短语:主要采用图片及多媒体展示记忆法。基本句子:采用多媒体展示及交际法(利用多媒体展示两人进行交际时的情景)。语法:一般过去时。第一课时 Section A (1a-1c)教学目标 知识目标:Important words:camp,lake,beach,badminton Important phrases:on Saturday morning,camp by the lake,go boating,go to the beach,play badminton Important sentences: —What did you do last weekend,Lucy —On Saturday morning,I played badminton. 能力目标:能运用一般过去时谈论周末活动。 情感目标:合理安排周末,度过一个有意义的周末。教学重难点 重点:1.掌握重点词汇和句子。2.能用一般过去时询问和谈论周末活动。 难点:用一般过去时谈论周末活动,自由对话。Step 1 情景导入【参考案例】Teacher:Everyone likes weekends.How is your weekend?Maybe someone thinks it's great/terrible/good/OK/not bad.What did you do last weekend?How was your last weekend?Now you can talk about your last weekend with your friends.设计意图:通过谈论学生上周末的活动导入本单元话题,让学生运用一般过去时来简单地叙述过去发生的事情。这样,学生可在真实的语言环境中体会语言,运用语言,感受语言的真实价值,品味语言的实际意义,从而获得运用语言的实际能力。运用所学知识积极主动地用英语进行交流。Step 2 完成教材1a-1c的任务【操作案例】1.认真观察1a的图片,完成1a的任务。2.认真听录音,完成1b的任务。3.大声朗读并背诵1c中的小对话,结对练习1c中的小对话,请最熟练的一组到讲台上展示。4.结对谈论Lucy的周末活动,完成1c的任务。设计意图:通过学习1a,让学生熟悉并掌握本节课的短语及其过去式;通过1b,锻炼学生听力及抓取关键信息的能力;通过1c的训练锻炼学生的口头表达能力,让学生灵活运用一般过去时谈论周末活动。知识点拨1.你什么时候打的羽毛球?When did you play badminton 这是一个一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,其构成为“特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?”。2.on的用法(1)在一月一日 on January 1st(2)在星期二的早上on Tuesday morning表示“在具体的某一天”或“在具体某一天的早上、中午、晚上”等,用介词on。表示“在星期几”或“在星期几的早上、中午、晚上”等,用介词on。Step 3 随堂练习根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1.We went to summer camp__ for vacation and had a good time.2.There is a big lake in the park.We can go boating__ in it.3.They enjoyed the sunshine on the beach__.4.Lin Dan is a great badminton__ player.5.My father is fishing by the lake__.Step 4 板书设计Section A (1a-1c)Important words:camp,lake,beach,badmintonImportant phrases:on Saturday morning,camp by the lake,go boating,go to the beach,play badmintonImportant sentences:—What did you do last weekend,Lucy —On Saturday morning,I played badminton.Step 5 完成学生用书本节课中,采用的活动教学法和Role play教学法帮助学生更好地掌握新知。第二课时 Section A (2a-2d)教学目标 知识目标:Important words:sheep,as,natural,butterfly,visitor,tired,stay Important phrases:kind of,study for the math test,stay up late Important sentences: 1.I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum. 2.How interesting! 3.I told the visitors about them and their living habits. 4.I stayed up late to watch the soccer game. 能力目标:能运用一般过去时谈论周末活动。 情感目标:合理安排周末,度过一个有意义的周末。教学重难点 重点:1.掌握重点词汇和句子。2.能用一般过去时询问和谈论周末活动。 难点:用一般过去时谈论周末活动,自由对话。Step 1 情景导入Teacher:Do you know butterflies?Do you like butterflies?My friend Lisa knows a lot about butterflies.Let's learn how she knows more about the butterflies.设计意图:从学生感兴趣的蝴蝶入手,引起他们的学习兴趣,为新课的学习打下良好的基础。Step 2 完成教材2a-2c的任务【操作案例】1.认真听录音,完成2a的任务。2.再听一遍录音,完成2b中的任务。3.根据听力材料内容,用特殊疑问句形式结对谈论他们的周末活动,并要求多个小组上台展示。设计意图:通过听、说、读、写学习训练让学生了解掌握了语言目标:一般过去时态,同时学生的口语表达能力在这一环节得到提升。Step 3 完成教材2d的任务【操作案例】1.学生自读对话,完成下面的句子。(1)Lisa's weekend was __pretty__ __good__.(2)Lisa is a __guide__ at the Natural History Museum.(3)There are __over__ __200__ kinds of butterflies.(4)Lisa is very tired because she __stayed__ __up__ __late__.(5)Lisa __watched__ the soccer game last night.2.分角色朗读2d中的对话内容,解释重点短语和句子并让多个小组上台展示。然后让学生大声朗读对话内容。设计意图:通过对所学习的目标语言进行听、说、读、写训练,提高学生的语言综合运用能力,巩固学生对目标语言的练习、识记和运用。知识点拨sheep的用法(1)表示“绵羊”,其单数复数形式相同。如:This sheep is from Australia. 这只羊来自澳大利亚。These sheep are from Australia. 这些羊来自澳大利亚。(2)a black sheep意为“害群之马”“败类”。如:Tom is the black sheep of his family.汤姆是他家的败类/汤姆让他的家庭蒙羞。(3)a wolf in sheep's clothing意为“披着羊皮的狼”。Step 4 随堂练习根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。1.After walking for three days,they were really tired__.2.—Where did you go last summer vacation —Nowhere,just stayed__ at home.3.There is a beautiful butterfly__ flying in the garden.4.A lot of visitors__ around the world come to Beijing every year.5.The boy stayed__ up late playing computer games last night.6.How many __sheep__(绵羊) are there on the hill Step 5 板书设计Section A (2a-2d)Important words:sheep,as,natural,butterfly,visitor,tired,stayImportant phrases:kind of,study for the math test,stay up lateImportant sentences:1.I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum.2.How interesting!3.I told the visitors about them and their living habits.4.I stayed up late to watch the soccer game.Step 6 完成学生用书。本节课中,采用的活动教学法和Role play教学法帮助学生更好地掌握新知。第三课时 Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)教学目标 知识目标:Important words:away,mouse,baby,shout,woof,language Important phrases:run away,shout at… Important sentences: 1.—Where did she go last weekend —She went to a farm. 2.—Who did she go with —She went with her classmates. 能力目标:1.通过组句训练,强化本单元重点知识的学习,突破语法难点。 2.通过开放性的口语活动,能够在真实的语境中使用目标词汇和句型。 情感目标:通过教师引导,学生能在英语交流中注意并观察他人的情感,增进同学之间的了解和友情。教学重难点 重点:复习巩固Section A 部分所学的生词和词组,达到熟练运用一般过去时。 难点:正确区分一般现在时和一般过去时。Step 1 情景导入【参考案例】Teacher:What did he do last weekend Student 1:He did his homework.Teacher:What did Miss Zhao do last summer Student 2:She went to Qingdao last summer.Teacher:What did they do last Tuesday Student 3:They had lunch at school.设计意图:通过师生谈话导入本单元的重点句型和语法基础知识,调动学生发言的积极性,结合本单元的重点语法知识对学生进行听说训练,让学生掌握目标语言。Step 2 畅通Grammar Focus回顾语法重点【操作案例】1.让学生分男、女两组朗读Grammar Focus中的内容。2.让同学们背诵Grammar Focus中的内容。设计意图:通过语法基础知识的训练,让学生能够掌握一般过去时的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句,并灵活运用一般过去时的特殊疑问句询问他人的周末活动。Step 3 完成教材3a-3c的任务【操作案例】1.选用恰当的特殊疑问词完成句子,完成3a的任务。2.让学生分角色朗读3a的小对话,巩固本单元的语法基础知识。3.让学生从方框中选择恰当的单词,完成3b的任务。4.分小组完成3c的任务。设计意图:通过完成教材3a-3c的任务,让学生能在实际操练中掌握一般过去时,培养学生运用语言的能力,老师在该环节中起到了引导作用。知识点拨away的用法(1)get away意为“离开”。如:I hope to get away early in the morning.我希望一早就动身离开。(2)away from意为“远离”。如:He lives in seclusion, away from everyone.他远离大家隐居着。I tried to keep the child away from the pool.我设法使孩子远离水池。(3)far away意为“遥远的”。如:Far away in the distance, a train whistled.远处有一列火车鸣笛。We stand on the top of the dam, casting our eyes far away.我们站在大坝的顶上往远处看。Step 4 随堂练习根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词或短语。1.Do you understand body language__?2.The lovely baby__ is only half a year old.3.There are many __mice__(老鼠) near the old house.4.I __ran_away__(跑开) from home when I was sixteen years old.5.You needn't __shout_at__(大声叫嚷) me.Step 5 板书设计Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)Important words:away,mouse,baby,shout,woof,languageImportant phrases:run away,shout at…Important sentences:1.—Where did she go last weekend —She went to a farm.2.—Who did she go with —She went with her classmates.Step 6 完成学生用书。本节课我通过Grammar Focus让学生清晰回顾本堂课的知识结构,检测学生是否能基本运用本堂课的目标语言,体现对学生的可持续性评价。第四课时 Section B (1a-1e)教学目标 知识目标:Important words:fly,kite Important phrases:study for a test,fly a kite,do one's homework 能力目标:能够理解听力材料。 情感目标:学生能在英语对话和交流中了解他人的周末活动,增进友情。教学重难点 重点:1.熟练使用重点知识。2.进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。 难点:1.区分有趣和无聊的活动。2.对事件的评价。Step 1 情景导入【参考案例】Teacher:Did you have a good weekend What did you do last weekend 设计意图:通过学生分组谈论周末活动,让学生灵活运用一般过去时叙述过去发生的事,在轻松的氛围中掌握目标语言,为本课时的听、说、读、写活动打好基础。Step 2 完成教材1a-1e的任务【操作案例】1.让学生将图片中的活动与相应的词组匹配起来,完成教材1a的任务。2.学生自由完成1b的任务。3.听录音,完成1c的任务。4.小组谈论Sally和Jim的周末活动,完成1d的任务。5.2人一组,相互谈论自己的周末活动,完成1e的任务。设计意图:通过听、说、读、写训练让学生掌握了本课时的语言目标,灵活运用一般过去时态来叙述过去发生的事情,提高学生的语言综合运用能力。知识点拨ago表示多久时间“以前”这一意义时,只能与一段时间连用,不与时间点连用;只能放在时间段之后,不能置于其前;通常只与过去时连用,不与现在完成时连用。如:It rained three hours ago.三小时之前下雨了。He isn't what he used to be three years ago.他已不是3年前的他了。Step 3 随堂练习根据句意及汉语提示填写短语。1.I __studied_for_a_test__(准备考试) last Sunday,so I stayed at home all day.2.Would you like to __fly_a_kite__(放风筝) with me in the park this afternoon 3.The boy __did_his_homework__(做家庭作业) last night.Step 4 板书设计Section B (1a-1e)Important words:fly,kiteImportant phrases:study for a test,fly a kite,do one's homeworkStep 5 完成学生用书。本节课中,通过听录音前提问帮助学生明确对话所发生的背景,为在真实语境中的运用作好铺垫;听录音前,读题并预测需要填写的项目,增强听力的针对性。第五课时 Section B (2a-Self Check)教学目标 知识目标:Important words:high,ago,tent,moon,surprise,snake,scared,move,start,jump,wake,into,forest,ear,India Important phrases:high school,put up,get a surprise,shout to…,up and down,wake…up,each other Important sentences: 1.First,we took a long bus ride to a lake in the countryside. 2.When we looked out of our tent,we saw a big snake sleeping near the fire. 能力目标:能从阅读中获得相关信息。 情感目标:学会客观地表达对事物的看法,培养乐观向上的性格。教学重难点 重点:掌握阅读策略,培养阅读能力。 难点:通过阅读训练,巩固一般过去时的用法。Step 1 情景导入【参考案例】Teacher:Did you have a busy weekend What did you do on Saturday morning/afternoon/evening What did you do on Sunday morning/afternoon/evening What did he/she do on Saturday morning/afternoon/evening What did he/she do on Sunday morning/afternoon/evening 设计意图:通过谈论同学们周末的各项活动,让学生掌握并灵活运用本单元所学的语言知识,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性与主动性,培养学生语言综合运用能力。Step 2 完成教材2a-2c的任务【操作案例】1.学生自由谈论自己害怕或喜欢的动物,完成2a的任务。2.阅读2b中的材料,并完成2b的任务。3.再次阅读2b中的材料,完成2c的任务。设计意图:通过本单元话题的阅读训练,扩展学生的知识面,扩大学生的词汇量,培养学生的阅读能力,提高学生的阅读水平和技巧。Step 3 完成教材3a-3b的任务【操作案例】1.根据图片信息完成3a的任务。2.模仿3a中的写作,完成3b的任务。设计意图:通过阅读与写作训练相结合,进一步让学生掌握并巩固一般过去时态,并灵活运用到口语与写作中去,提高学生的语言综合运用能力。Step 4 完成教材Self Check的任务【操作案例】1.复习本单元所学的动词词组,完成第一题。2.根据括号内的提示词,完成第二题。设计意图:通过各种题型的巩固练习与复习一般过去时态,对本单元所学的单词、词组与句子进行归纳、总结,并灵活运用到听、说、读、写的各项训练中,为整个单元的学习画上一个圆满的句号。知识点拨so…that:如此……以至于……;以便常用于以下四个句型:(1)so+形容词/副词+that…如:This teacher is so kind that we all like him.这个老师非常和蔼,我们都喜欢他。He ran so quickly that we all couldn't catch up with him.他跑得很快,我们都追不上他。(2)so+形容词+a/an+单数可数名词+that…如:This is so interesting a book that we all enjoy reading it.这本书非常有趣,我们都喜欢看。(3)so+ many(多)/few(少)+复数可数名词+that…如:He has so many books that I can't count them.他有很多书,我数也数不清。(4)so+ much(多)/little(少)+不可数名词+that…如:There was so much food that we couldn't eat it all.食物太多了,我们吃不完。I have so little money that I can not afford a car.我的钱是如此的少以至于我不能买车。Step 5 随堂练习根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。1.She lived here two years ago__.2.They put up their tents__ in the open air and slept in it last night.3.When we saw a big snake sleeping near the river,we got a terrible surprise__.4.We can hear everything in the nature with our ears__.5.The alarm clock wakes__ me up every morning.6.He was so __scared__(惊慌的) that he couldn't move.7.The snake moved into the __forest__(森林) near the lake.Step 6 板书设计Section B (2a-Self Check)Important words:high,ago,tent,moon,surprise,snake,scared,move,start,jump,wake,into,forest,ear,IndiaImportant phrases:high school,put up,get a surprise,shout to…,up and down,wake…up,each otherImportant sentences:1.First,we took a long bus ride to a lake in the countryside.2.When we looked out of our tent,we saw a big snake sleeping near the fire.Step 7 完成学生用书。本课时以提问形式让同学们谈论周末活动,贴近学生生活,激发学习兴趣;读写训练相结合,着重锻炼学生的阅读能力和写作能力。






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